God's Faithfulness to Journey and Journey's Story

Journey Church has turned 20!!!! God has demonstrated His amazing faithfulness and provision to us throughout the last 20 years. There have been many ups and downs in the process, but we want to celebrate reaching this milestone! So whether you've been here for 10+ years or for less than a year, we want to invite you all to our celebration weekend!

This weekend is meant to be a celebration, which is why we have decided to hold it at Great Wolf Lodge, a hotel, indoor water park, and resort! The team has built out the schedule based on YOUR feedback, and the weekend will not only have large group time, but also intentional and organic free time so we can enjoy each other's company. Registration includes lodging, food (4 meals), & water park access until 8pm on Sunday. Access to other individual activities are available for purchase on-site.


Great Wolf Lodge
150 Tom Hall Pkwy, LaGrange, GA, 30240





6:30 PM

Check-in and registration

8:00 PM


8:20 PM

Worship and prayer

8:40 PM

Large group games

9:30 PM

Small groups

10:00 PM


10:30 PM


8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Free time

11:00 AM

Large group activity

11:45 AM

Group photo

12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Large group activity

2:30 PM

Free time

5:30 PM


7:00 PM


7:20 PM


7:50 PM

Group Discussion

8:30 PM

Prayer Groups/Corporate Topics

9:30 PM

Closing Worship

9:40 PM


9:45 PM


8:00 AM

Breakfast and pack

9:15 AM

Sunday service

10:30 AM


11:00 AM

Check out



6:30 PM

Check-in and registration

8:00 PM


8:20 PM

Worship and prayer

8:40 PM

Large group games

9:30 PM

Small groups

10:00 PM


10:30 PM



8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Free time

11:00 AM

Large group activity

11:45 AM

Group photo

12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Large group activity

2:30 PM

Free time

5:30 PM


7:00 PM


7:20 PM


7:50 PM

Group Discussion

8:30 PM

Prayer Groups/Corporate Topics

9:30 PM

Closing Worship

9:40 PM


9:45 PM



8:00 AM

Breakfast and pack

9:15 AM

Sunday service

10:30 AM


11:00 AM

Check out


Will transportation be provided?

If you are in need of a ride, please try and coordinate within family groups or through other people if possible. If you are unable to coordinate your own ride and are still in need of one, please indicate you are in need through your registration on Subsplash and we will find a ride for you. Contact events@journeychurchatl.com if anything regarding your transportation needs changes. 

Will there be childcare provided?

Childcare will be available during the guided sessions, not during free time. Please register any children on Subsplash. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Cole or education@journeychurchatl.com.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

No problem! Just indicate any allergies and/or restrictions on the registration form.

What should I bring? Does the facility provide linens, toiletries, etc.?

You’ll receive an email with a detailed packing list the week of the retreat. Great Wolf is a regular hotel, so it does provide linens, towels, shampoo/conditioner, but you will need to bring your personal toiletries (e.g.toothbrush, toothpaste). If you are planning on going to the water park, you may also want to bring your swimsuit + flip flops!

Do I need to pay an additional fee to use the water park?

What does the Activity Pass include?

No, entrance to the water park is included in your registration fee! Access to any part of the water park will not require additional costs.
The Activity Pass includes access to the Howlers Peak Ropes Course, a double climb on the Rustic Ridge Climbing Wall, Howl in One, and the Ten Paw Alley. For more information on these activities, please check the Great Wolf Lodge website.

If I did not purchase an Activity Pass during registration, can I purchase one later?

Will we be allowed to leave the Great Wolf Lodge grounds during the weekend?

Yes, you can still purchase Activity Passes after registration once you arrive at Great Wolf Lodge. Please note, however, that Activity Passes purchased outside of our registration period will be priced differently. Please refer to the Great Wolf Lodge website to see how much the different passes are.
Yes, please feel free to explore the area around Great Wolf Lodge with other community members during free time!

What if I cannot attend one of the days?

We would still love for you to join us, however the cost will remain the same. Please email events@journeychurchatl.com to give us a heads up.

I can no longer attend. Can I receive a refund?

We are sorry to hear you can no longer make it! Your registration can be canceled and you will receive a full refund up to one week before the retreat start date (September 13, 2024). After that point, we can no longer issue a refund. Please reach out to events@journeychurchatl.com if you need to cancel your registration. 

Is there financial assistance available?

There is! Please email events@journeychurchatl.com with a brief description of your situation and/or need. We’ll reach back out to you.


Will transportation be provided?

If you are in need of a ride, please try and coordinate within family groups or through other people if possible. If you are unable to coordinate your own ride and are still in need of one, please indicate you are in need through your registration on Subsplash and we will find a ride for you. Contact events@journeychurchatl.com if anything regarding your transportation needs changes. 

Will there be childcare provided?

Childcare will be available during the guided sessions, not during free time. Please register any children on Subsplash. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Cole or education@journeychurchatl.com.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

No problem! Just indicate any allergies and/or restrictions on the registration form.

What should I bring? Does the facility provide linens, toiletries, etc.?

You’ll receive an email with a detailed packing list the week of the retreat. Great Wolf is a regular hotel, so it does provide linens, towels, shampoo/conditioner, but you will need to bring your personal toiletries (e.g.toothbrush, toothpaste). If you are planning on going to the water park, you may also want to bring your swimsuit + flip flops!

Do I need to pay an additional fee to use the water park?

No, entrance to the water park is included in your registration fee! Access to any part of the water park will not require additional costs.

What does the Activity Pass include?

The Activity Pass includes access to the Howlers Peak Ropes Course, a double climb on the Rustic Ridge Climbing Wall, Howl in One, and the Ten Paw Alley. For more information on these activities, please check the Great Wolf Lodge website.

If I did not purchase an Activity Pass during registration, can I purchase one later?

Yes, you can still purchase Activity Passes after registration once you arrive at Great Wolf Lodge. Please note, however, that Activity Passes purchased outside of our registration period will be priced differently. Please refer to the Great Wolf Lodge website to see how much the different passes are.

Will we be allowed to leave the Great Wolf Lodge grounds during the weekend?

Yes, please feel free to explore the area around Great Wolf Lodge with other community members during free time!

What if I cannot attend one of the days?

We would still love for you to join us, however the cost will remain the same. Please email events@journeychurchatl.com to give us a heads up.

I can no longer attend. Can I receive a refund?

We are sorry to hear you can no longer make it! Your registration can be canceled and you will receive a full refund up to one week before the retreat start date (September 13, 2024). After that point, we can no longer issue a refund. Please reach out to events@journeychurchatl.com if you need to cancel your registration. 

Is there financial assistance available?

There is! Please email events@journeychurchatl.com with a brief description of your situation and/or need. We’ll reach back out to you.



Read Jeremiah 31:1-14 two or three times, maybe even in different versions.
  1. Thank the Lord for his faithfulness to biblical Israel, and His unchanging nature.
  2. List (paper or digital note) the ways God has been faithful A. To Journey Church of Atlanta, B. To other churches you’ve attended, C. To you.


Read Jeremiah 31:1-14 again. (The following questions will make the most sense if you use ESV.)
Take your time. Write your answers. Relax, breathe deep, and enjoy the gift that God’s Word can be.
  1. In vv 2-3, the Lord affirms his never-ending faithfulness through Israel’s history coming out of Egypt. But how does He speak of his identity (v1)? Does this say something about God to you? About what He wants? 
  2. God identifies himself again in verse 9. How does a God who takes on the identity of father speak to you positively? Are there any negatives?
  3. Re-read the statement about his faithfulness in v3: What is the therefore there for? I.e. what soil does His faithfulness grow out of?
  4. On a piece of paper or in a note, list all the VERBS (skip the “being” verbs) attributed to God in this passage. In another column, all the VERBS for God’s people. (You should have something like 15-20 on each list.) What observations can you make when looking over those two lists? Is anything implied about the division of labor for the two sides? What other verbs from your life, (e.g. work, care for kids, worry, travel, fear, love, play) could you put on a list? How would these other two lists speak into ways we live our regular lives? 
  5. The latter part of v12 says, “their life shall be like a watered garden.” Describe what a “watered-garden life” might look like in your own words. In 2024, do you feel more “watered garden” or more (Jeremiah’s word) languishing? Why? What do you think God’s desires might be? Do you ever feel conflicted about what God wants? Does this passage convict? Where?
Take some time to pray.
Relax, breathe deep, then go enjoy the gift that God’s Community/Body can be!


Read Jeremiah 31:1-14 again. (The following questions will make the most sense if you use ESV.)
Take your time. Write your answers. Relax, breathe deep, and enjoy the gift that God’s Word can be.
  1. Consider Israel/Jacob/Ephraim as one entity. What does verse 11 give as the reason the Lord needed to ransom and redeem? What would you surmise as some possibilities for what those “hands” were/are? What other Scripture passages or stories came to mind?
  2. There are a number of reversive pairs in our text. ALL are “bad to good” (sword to grace, mourning to joy, gladness for sorrow) except for one in v10, which says, “He who scattered… will gather… and keep…” Off the top of your head, what do you understand to be the reasons God scattered Israel? Second, what would you say are the reasons some people (or you) might struggle when integrating this kind of thing with “God’s faithfulness”? 
  3. Notice whom the Lord makes sure not to leave out in His great gathering of His people (v8). Why are these 4 groups named, do you think? What’s a guessed reason for including each one? Together, who do they represent, do you think? Is there a message for God’s People (today: the Church) in that? What are some of your favorite memories/experiences in rubbing up against such kinds of people? What gets in the way of us doing it more often?
  4. Let’s close by thinking once more of that “watered-garden life.” Compare vv4-6 (and all of its People-of-God verbs) with vv13-14. What reactions to these two mini-passages do you feel? How do they speak to current life? What is identified as the source of such happy people in these two mini-passages: Why do they arise (v6)? Why are they satisfied (v14)?  
Take some time to pray. 
Relax, breathe deep, then go enjoy the gift that God’s Community/Body can be!