ATTENTION: Service at Midtown has moved this week.


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

God has called us to missions both locally, in our neighborhoods and in our country, and globally. Therefore, we highly value our missional partners and see them as essential components of the church.

We love teaming up with various ministries and nonprofit organizations in the Atlanta area, and we hope to continue to partner with them to minister to our city. Journey is also committed to sending teams to locations all around the world on short-term (weeks) and long-term (one year or more) trips.

Short-Term Missions Opportunities

2025 Trips:

Taipei, Taiwan - May
Evangelism, Campus outreach, ALPHA launch party

Chilibre, Panama - June 13-23
English & Gospel camp for middle, high schoolers
Cisterna di Latina, Italy - late summer
Youth camp, STEM Camp

East Asia - October
Activities TBD
Short-term Missions Interest Meeting: February 2nd
After Eastside service at Briarcliff
Panama Application: Deadline February 7th
Please contact Sam Kwak ( for the Panama short-term missions application.
Non-Panama Application: Deadline February 15th
Please contact Sam Kwak ( if you have any questions.

Missional Partnerships

A community centered on mobilizing individuals and churches in taking up the care and cause of refugee families.
Intervening in the lives of children and youth of Aldea Siguanha and Cobán through Christ-centered ministries and educational programs.

Give to Missions

Donate to our general missions fund or give to a specific missionary by selecting “Missions” as the Fund type.